Thursday 15 December 2016

Say No to Suicide and Yes to LIFE...........!!!!!


Question: What is the last option then?

Answer: The last option is to Fight.

Question: Fight what?

Answer: Fight the reason because of which you had a thought of choosing suicide.

Question: How?

Answer: Start small, take one person into confidence and share everything including your thought of opting for suicide. (your mind is too much into the problem and the problem can’t be solved with the same mind that created the problem)

Question: I don’t have even a single person to talk I think nobody cares for me (-----First, this is what you think (we can all be wrong sometimes) and Second, there is always more than one person who think for our betterment, they may not be present right in front of you but yes, they do exist your task is to go find them-----).

Answer: Its ok many people did great things alone you too will do one great thing today you will fight and guess what:

you already have a lead want to know what?

You don’t fear death and it’s a great thing to fight against the whole world let alone few circumstances or people.

Question: So, I am going to fight either with the help of someone or alone but How?

Answer: Its easy you need a weapon first and its very handy you can get it easily.

Question: What is that weapon and where will I get it?

Answer: It is HOPE and you will find it in the eyes of people. (your task here is to find at least one happy person and see what his eyes look like when he is happy and try to replicate the exact same feeling)

Question: Now what?

Answer: Now you are prepared, you have the weapon and you have a proper mindset. Next thing you will do is give something. (To be happy again you must give all of it until you are empty and I promise you will never be empty)   

Question: What will I have to give I have nothing left in my life?

Answer: you must give UNCONDITIONAL LOVE (LOVE with NO CONDITIONS not even a single condition) and keep on giving love until you are empty of it.

Question: Who am I supposed to give love?

Answer: People and Situations. You are going to love everyone in your life, just as they are, even the person you hate the most and even if, the Situations are worst you will smile and give love.

Question: I hate people and situations that’s why I want to die.

Answer: All I ask of you is one week with no conditions and infinite LOVE.

Your conditions are the devil here: they are luring you, tempting you making you believe that if your conditions are fulfilled you will be happy. If you keep your happiness your joy on hold that is the biggest sin. Leave all your conditions behind and come to a world where Joy is not the servant of conditions created by mind. Why listen to the voice in the head when it says “I should die” after all the voice in the head is not GOD, you have to find your own GOD.

Whatever you are doing you are doing out of love may be because you love a person, maybe you love a lifestyle, maybe you love getting appreciated but remember LOVE has only one condition…...that it is UNCONDITIONAL.

So, LOVE, LAUGH and LIVE is the mantra I suggest for you, you must repeat this as many times as possible in a day.

You are strong…. I believe it, Do You??

(Technical Details on the Suicide by a doctor)
You are in depression. Depression can be cured.
Why not take a few pills a few days then live happily ever after.
For example: A person uses spectacle to see clearly, if he tries to see without it his eyes gets stressed, in the same manner every problem of your life can be solved but don't stress yourself take help of a doctor.
Last point: I have seen people who first thought suicide is the last option but now live a very very happy life after getting treatment for depression.

1) know your enemy: DEPRESSION
2) Fight with it until you win: Take Counsel (please see a doctor/Psychiatrist)
3) Love - Laugh - Live, if not for you then for a reason/person.